Grammar Notes
- To make the comparative adjective form of the most one-syllable adjectives, add -er e.g. fast-> faster
- For one-syllable adjectives that end in one consonants preceded by one vowel, double the consonant and add -er e.g. big->bigger
- You use the word than before the second member in a comparative sentence e.g. John is happier than Mary.
- You can use as + adjective/adverb to express equality.
- You may use the adverbs considerably, much, quite a bit to express inequality more precisely.
- So/such gives extra emphasis to an idea. So is used before adjectives (without nouns) She is so beautiful.Such is used before nouns (with or without adjectives) Emily is such a kind person.
- Too + adjective expresses a problem e.g. I can't drink this chocolate. it's too hot.