Describe yourself and other people "I'm a graphic designer. I have dark hair"
Introduce others "This is Yuko."
There is/There are "There's a spider under my bed."
Grammar Notes
The verb TO BE is so called a stative verb because it is not an action verb. I am sick.
The verb TO BE can work as an auxiliary of other verbs. I am going to the party. She is taking a taxi.
The Verb TO BE is an irregular verb: She/he/it -->is; I--> am; they/we/you--> are
There is/There are are used to introduce a topic you have not mentioned before or to describe places, make announcements. For example: There is a party next week. There are three people at the bus stop.
Wh-words are called information words. Some of them are what, who, when, how, why, how often, how much/many, etc.