1. Verb to BE Almost all verbs express some type of actions, others don't. the verb to be expresses conditions and states that we do not expect to change. it is also called stative verbs. These verbs express descriptions, relationships, emotions, etc. For example: I am happy today. She is a doctor. Peter and Paul are brothers. Statement: She/he/it/ is in English 101. I am Allen. They/we/you are architects. Negative: I am not a programmer. We are not going there. Question: Is she happy about her grade? Are you sick today? Short answer: No, he isn't. // Yes, they are. 2. There is/There are There in There is and There are has no meaning. Is is used to fill the subject position. There is and There are are used to introduce a topic that you haven't mentioned before. For example: There is a steak in the refrigerator. Should we eat it? They are also used to make announcements, describe things, and state facts. Statement: There is someone at the door. There are many trees in the backyard. Negative: There is not anything in here. There are not two rats in the box. Only one. Question: Is there a message for me? Are there any animal doctors around here? Short answer: No, There isn't. // Yes, there are. 3. Wh-words + To be Wh-words such as where, what, when, who, etc. are used to ask questions about locations (where), people (who), things (which), and state, quality of the action (how), justification of an action or state (why). For example: What is your major? My major is English. Where are you from? We're from Colombia. How am I doing this? You're fine. Why is she sad? Because she is not going to the party. Summary
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